
A detailed look at the Eastern region - commissioned by ADASS East and the Better Care Fund

Data correct as at 2020/21

To monitor workforce pressures across adult social care settings in the Eastern and Milton Keyes areas, the Eastern Region’s Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) and the Better Care Fund commissioned us to take a detailed look at the workforce information and forecasts in the area. As part of this work we also ran a staff attraction and retention survey.

The aim of this work was to enhance the understanding of these pressures and identify the right support for our social care providers. The results can be found below:

Downloading the visualisation

  • You can also download a PDF version by clicking on the arrow found at the bottom right of the visualisation.
  • There are notes about the data when you hover over the ( i ) in the visualisation.
  • For information about how workforce estimates are created or rounding and suppression rules please visit our webpage on methodology.
  • If you require data that isn’t available in the visualisation or report below, please contact us.


Further resources

  • Also available at regional level are nine annual reports, providing an overview of adult social care services and the workforce in each region.
  • An interactive visualisation showing an analysis comparing all nine regions within England
  • Four interactive visualisations, and summary reports, showing information about the local authority areas in England can be found here.

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